Singapore subsidies for FECs
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The Singapore Government has announced S$1.1bn (€686m) in wage subsidies under its Jobs Support Scheme.
The money will help workers and businesses affected by Singapore’s return to Phase 2 (Heightened Alert) restrictions. Under the plan, support will be increased to 60 per cent for sectors that are required to “suspend many, if not all, of their activities” during the alert period from July 22 to August 18.
The businesses will include food and beverage outlets, gymnasiums, fitness studios, performing arts organisations and arts education centres. These businesses were previously eligible for 50 per cent support during the May 16-July 11 period and 10 per cent support from July 12 to July 21.
Those sectors “significantly affected” by the restrictions will see their support raised to 40 per cent. Those businesses include cinemas, tourism and family entertainment.
The country has 51 FECs, nearly half of them in the Time Zone (TEEG) chain. They have been permitted to continue to trade but with heavy capacity restrictions of no more than one person for each 16sq.m of space. F&B service is not permitted in the FECs until August 18 and they are subject to strict mask protocols.